Kasey Crown

Trauma Alchemy + Wellness Education

Wellness Consulting and Education

Kasey offers short term wellness consulting, custom psycho-educational and experiential workshops and classes for adult individuals, groups and organizations.

Individual Consulting

Kasey established her individual consulting practice out of a desire to reach more people and minimize client dependency on long term psychotherapy, empowering individuals to take greater ownership over the healing process. Consulting includes a clinical assessment, intuitive reading, psycho-spiritual education, action planning and resource recommendations. In some cases recommendations may include inpatient treatment, psychopharmacological intervention and/or long term psychotherapy from someone in Kasey’s network.


Educational offerings vary depending on the needs of the group or organization. Examples include virtual or in person workshops, individual classes or class series and public speaking.

Topics Include:

  • Trauma informed education and the “5 elements framework for Healing”
  • Self Esteem, Boundaries and the power of Choice
  • Bridging the Scientific and the Spiritual
    understanding consciousness through the marriage of Interpersonal Neurobiology and Energy medicine
  • The Science of Integration and the Wisdom of Embodiment
  • Healing with Plant Medicine and Earth Based Wisdom
  • Healing through the Chakra System
  • Becoming a clear channel
    Accessing and acting with intuitive guidance
  • Moving Beyond Trauma
    Actualizing potential and healing in service to the whole

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